Earth Day 2021

Restore our Earth! On April 22nd we celebrate the environment and the protection of planet Earth. Attention to these issues has grown steadily in recent years, one thinks of the Paris 2015 conference (COP21) for the reduction of CO2 emissions and of the youth movement Fridays for Future which led the European Union to adoptContinue reading “Earth Day 2021”

International Women’s Day 2021

Woman, Inequalities in Work and COVID-19 On the occasion of International Women’s Day 2021, we want to celebrate the tremendous efforts that have been dedicated to achieving an equal future in the world of work. Still, a lot needs to be done. Covid-19 Pandemic has negatively affected women’s working life in different ways worldwide. DuringContinue reading “International Women’s Day 2021”

Lab4GE – KA2 Erasmus+ Project

L’Europa è considerata una delle regioni più avanzate a livello mondiale per quanto riguarda l’uguaglianza di genere. Negli ultimi 100 anni, le donne hanno guadagnato il diritto di lavorare e di votare.
Tuttavia, molte lacune devono essere colmate quando si tratta di violenza di genere, parità di retribuzione e presenza di donne in posizioni di responsabilità.

February 20th – International Social Justice Day

Without Gender Equality there is no Social Justice and No Social Justice means No Human Rights. Most international or global days are celebrated to create awareness and educate the community about topics of concern that needs global attention. International days are occasions to educate the public on issues of concern, to mobilize political will andContinue reading “February 20th – International Social Justice Day”