Break the Glass Ceiling

On this day – March, 15th – the partners involved in the LAB4GE project, want to talk about the concept of the “glass ceiling”, which is a term that refers to an invisible but real barrier that exists in many workplaces, and prevents women and other marginalized groups from advancing to the highest levels of leadership and management.

Youth Work and Inclusion in Israel. A EuroMed Study Visit.

Il video che racconta la Visita studio in Israele, svolta dal 29 settembre al 5 ottobre, sul tema: “Youth Work and Inclusion in Israel”, iniziativa promossa dai Programmi EuroMed e Youth in Action della Commissione europea in cooperazione con il Ministero dell’Educazione israeliano. L’ASSOCIAZIONE SUD รจ stata una delle due associazioni italiane selezionate a partecipare.Continue reading “Youth Work and Inclusion in Israel. A EuroMed Study Visit.”